What a novelty it is to have a horse with a thick (read bushy) mane and tail! ... and the tail is still thick even though it had been seriously thinned just before I got him - shame as I had been looking forward to shaping it - oh well, it'll grow.
Spent a bit of time fiddling with his mane, but it is so thick it needs some serious thinning, and as the wee boy was quite anxious and not in a standing still frame of mind, I decided to leave that for a later date. He was however marvelous to do his bridle path, putting his head down for me.
He seems to have rather a lot of little bits out of him, and picky places, and so I washed him in vetadine, which did not impress him whatsoever and I found myself continually on the move. He was actually quite worried about it all for some reason, and I did unfortunately find that he had had a cover rub on his wither which was almost healed - until I pulled at that flakey bit of skin I could see - WHOOPS ; which is how I found it. On with ointment, cotton padding and a rather skimpy (OS) vest. So hopefully it'll heal pretty quickly.
So despite his anxiety today, we managed to give him a bit of a tidy up, and hopefully he will be starting to realise that I really am not going to do anything (intentional) to hurt him.
Took some photos of his new haircut, and his tail - which I can see from the pics actually needs trimming at the bottom!
Also him in his miniskirt nightshirt. (Believe it or not it is a 5'6")
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