Not too bad at all given that there was show jumping going on just the other side of the fence. He managed to hold it together, just losing focus (and a whoopsy) on the trot to walk trans (which was shaping up to be a great one till an inconsiderate horse dropped a show jumping rail at that inopportune moment).
However, scored 63% to be in 25th place (very large field with 45 horses)

Looked to me to be quite a nice course, although Sampson did fall asleep between two of the jumps and took the whole jump out, then had an unlucky rail at the end of the course. But in general tried really hard.

8 faults (remaining in 25th place)
Completely different type of course to Rotorua's.
Big and bold, but with some technical questions - a skinny boxy rampy thing covered in lemons, immediately after a double landing on a down hill slope.
A double of corners off a turn in the bushes; the corners essentially lining up only if you jumped the first one on the 'wrong' angle (and risking an easy run out). There was also a combination, first one on the apex of hill and second half way down slope - looked to have a bit of an upright face (and Sampson DID collect it!), and there was also a somewhat large brush palisade.
However, thanks to Frank's bold riding, Sampson went clear and under time.
He finished the event in 10th place missing out on a prize by 1 mark (Prizes went to 9th due to the size of the class)

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