A few skedaddles warming up, but again Wendy held him together for his first test, scoring 64% for 4th equal with the gorgeous Flybuddy (MJ Blair) and Dux De Luxe (Angela Matheson) who took out overall honours in Primary for the series. Quite pleased with Sampson when I see both the others have grading points, Dux having amassed a total of about 86!
In his second test, he was more relaxed warming up, but did look like he had just about had enough sometimes coming a little behind the vertical, and not always completely in self carriage. However, despite the judge noting those wee faults that we had also seen creeping in, Sampson managed to win another test with a score of 70.87%, so very pleased with the wee boy.
Wendy achieved an overall second placing for the series in Primary (behind Dux de Luxe), third overall for entire series (all classes) for thoroughbred score, and Won the membership sash for highest points over the series.
Beautiful sashes!
And many thanks to Wendy, not only for the wonderful job she has done with Sampson, but also helping me gain the confidence in myself to be able to ride him myself!
Awesome Fiona. you must be stoked!!!! So happy for you.
What Sharon said! Great results, you must be so proud :o)
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