Watching him warm up, he looked lovely.
His first test was up on the grass right in front of all the activity, and he did get quite distracted at kids, and loud noises and all the goings on, but Wendy rode him absolutely beautifully...she has the ability to stay focussed and relaxed and reassure him when he needs it.
His trotwork was lovely, although he lost focus a little in his canter, and with his right canter he did struggle to maintain it, with quite a lot of the movements being in trot having broken. Although he broke once on the left lead, he did manage to keep going.
Despite the lack of canter, he placed 5th and was only 4% off first place!
In his second test he was on the sand, and a little more relaxed, the only mistake being a sideways step at the halt, which actually cost him the win!
His test sheets read like ones I dream of getting, with high marks pretty much throughout.
I am absolutely blown away by what Wendy has achieved in just one week, and watching my pony I realise I am right in thinking he is something special (yeah, ok so I might be a little biassed!)
I can now see that I would get so much enjoyment in just seeing my pony out competing with a good rider, as an that is yet another option for me to consider if he doesnt sell (is it wrong that I am now hoping and praying he doesnt sell?)
And could it possibly be the case, that once he has had a season under his belt with a confident rider to see him through his insecurities (young horse thing), that I could ride him myself?
Or do I just go with the flow, and if he sells, he sells, and if he doesnt, it's not such a big deal either?
Oh dear, the dilemmas!
Oh dear, I recognize those dilemma's! Just don't rush into anything. These things seem to have a way of working themselves out ;-)
Wow Fi, he is stunning! I can so relate to these dilemma's as well. I'm kinda going through this with Mack - do I keep him or do I sell him? I think I'll just go with Sharon's advice... go with the flow.
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