Monday, June 22, 2009
Dementia in one so Young
Put his gear on, and led him around so he could watch others jumping and riding. He was interested, but not too worried it seemed.
Then out of the blue, and for no reason I could determine, he became Mr Leapy Passagie Pony!
Would snort, leap, tail up in the air and start grunting and passaging and leaping. Some ground work to get his attention back on me, then away he would go again. This carried on for some time, and then I (stupidly) thought I would get on him.
Clambered on at the mounting block, took a few walk steps and away he went again. I firmly attached myself with the 'oh shit' strap and pulled him round. But rather than stopping him quickly he continued to circle. Finally he stopped, and we tried again....several walk steps later we were again reeling round in ever decreasing circles (he must be amazingly well balanced).
I am afraid that all I achieved was that I got so dizzy I was wobbly and whoozy. Time to get off.
However, after being dosed up on Saturday night, I rode him in the carpark at WEC on the sunday, among floats and trucks, and apart from one (normal) little spook, he was absolutely fine, and doing a lovely trot also.
Hmmmm; obviously Winter grass can also have an evil effect.
It will be interesting to see if continued supplementation will result in him continuing to be rideable.
Time will no doubt tell!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Kaurilands Dressage: 07.06.09 Day two
Sun shining and not a cloud in the sky.
6 x 5 nice steady trot, swung quarters at A, could show more imp,
9 x 6 a little off line after X but tracked up, fair into trot, fair loop, a little overbent
4 x 7 trot loop, both canters (‘smooth trans’)and trans to med walk
Prelim 1.6 ( low marks across whole class)
5 x 4 shld be long rein (walk) neck still restricted, ½ O too big (skedaddle from dog)
9 x 5 much better trot (lengthn)
1 x 6 L canter
94 = 47% (which isn’t bad for that judge!)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's Skedaddle time!
Time to get off and see how it should be dealt with.
Nice to see however, that the skedaddles arent actually a reaction to anything I am doing, but just where he is at in that moment.

Was very good for me to see how they are dealt with, and then you just keep riding. He was actually very naughty.

Nice to see that with a skilled rider, capable of riding through the 'moments', he can look quite impressive at times. It's always great to see a good rider on one's horse!

After some work by the instructor getting his attention on her, and working through, it was my turn again, so I could feel what I should be aiming at. Then some work on serpentines, and shoulder ins, concentrating on keeping a VERY light contact with him supple and flexible, and working through from inside leg to outside rein.

Rode him again today (lesson yesterday) and yes we had a couple of skedaddle moments but I was very pleased to simply ride through them and just carry on with whatever I had been doing beforehand.
There is hope for me yet!