OK Brave pants packed, and I remembered to put them on!
He was a bit wound up warming up for dressage, but it was a relatively small area and very busy. Spent most of my time trying to avoid everyone else, and hoping that we wouldnt collide with the inevitable skedaddles. But we survived. I actually enjoyed having 'more horse' and some natural 'life', rather than having to bully him along as I do at home.
Unfortunately on our way to the arena he kept putting his foot Under the tape instead of stepping over it, but we got there. Bit spooky down that end, cars passing above us, horses appearing and jumps, and people walking the XC...apart from one wee skedaddle whilst going around the outside of arena he coped.
It wasnt too bad a test, although I have to admit to being very disappointed with his score. Oh well, we at least completed it with no major dramas; hopefully the judge will mark us better next time. Interesting that the judge was the same one that judged my very first dressage test on 17.11.1974


Onto the show jumping: He warmed up quietly and sensibly and in we went. He was absolutely lovely, just toddled around jumping everything nicely. Was super pleased, especially when the commentator said it was a "lovely clear round" :)

Cross country, and I'll admit I was very worried given I had been warned that he would be far too strong for me XC.
He was a little full of it warming up, and pretty keen to run off after the practice jump, but he did behave himself.
I took him very quietly, just cantering over the first couple, then (eeek) trotting down the hill (for fear he would get away on me and get too strong). A few spooky times between some of the early jumps where he was googling at the people, trucks, ambo etc, but he just kept toddling along behind the bit and popping over whatever I pointed him at.

After the water (at which I got the dreaded "E" - not because we failed to jump, but because stupid jockey jumped out over the wrong jump), I pushed his stride out a little and he felt even better, the jumps came up lovely and he was really listening.
Absolutely thrilled with him.
I realise that not every outing is going to go as well, but I am so glad I got to feel how he can go, so I know what I am aiming at.

Yay: bring on the next start!