We toddle out to LVF on Friday for a play, and apart from a white filler which he spooked (VERY quickly) at, he was happy to pop over the little jumps, and we finished with a short play in the water.
He was quite concerned at the prospect of jumping off the cliff (all 20cm or so of it) into the water (mud) but we eventually succeeded.
So, while we were on a roll having taken him out somewhere every day for the past several, it was off to LVF for another play.
I was absolutely thrilled with him....he was just like any other normal young horse, and even managed to simply stare standing stock still at the trains.
Having popped around some baby jumps, we put them up a bit, and built oxers. He was GREAT! really happy with how he went, apart from one wee mis-hap which resulted in me hitting the deck....ooops: After we had put the jumps up I cantered in (probably a little blase) to a white picket with white rail oxer, having stupidly not popped him over it as a baby baby jump.
At the last minute on the take off stride he spooked and ducked out....and I was gone.
We popped over it a few times, very spookily but he gradually became more confident over it .... so obviously he will need some conditioning to those scary white fences.
After that he happily jumped around the other fences.
Then we took them for a play over a couple of ditches and into the water jump. He was such a good boy, and even started to take me to both the ditches and the drop off the bank into the water.