Was to have done a XC SJ clinic with Donna Smith and Simone Kann, which I was thoroughly looking forward to (apart from the usual pre-lesson nerves)....only to arrive at the venue with a horse on three legs and a lot of swelling above the hind fetlock.
So back home we went, poulticed, and ice booted to cover all bases. He was happier next day (although still lame, happy enough to leap and bounce around in the paddock).
Farrier found that a cavity between his frog had essentially harboured an infection, so more poulticing etc, and Hunua four days later seemed a long shot.
However we went....he had his first canter on the Friday upon arrival essentially having had only walk exercise the preceding few days with the odd trot (slightly off still).
Dressage not good....LAST!
He actually warmed up not too badly, but the pre trainers were SJ directly behind the judges car and rails clanking was all he needed...big skedaddle before we even got into the arena. The right hand canter transition consisted of a leap up into the air, arched back, head between knees and a succession of rather large bucks...ooops....but we finished the test.

Show Jumping....a little full of it trying to warm up, and flew at the practice jump so I simply went and stood quietly by the ring entrance. In we went, and he actually went ok, apart from bulging his shoulder and getting number 3 to the down hill double wrong having lost focus, but he only took one rail during his round. He was quite forward but looking at the pics it doesnt look like he is really jumping that well??
Unfortunately during my round (probably during the bulgy moment) I had hit the end of my thumb on his shoulder with the impact travelling up and doing something very painful to my shoulder....I was in agony.

Unfortunately, that meant no XC for Sampson (and no SJ for Willie)...however, there was still swelling in the hind leg so probably not such a bad decision anyway; although it does mean going into his first pre novice of the season not having had a run at training...gulp!